This is going to be just a random post. I'm gonna talk about tweets and other exciting things. YAY.not. Anyway. As you read this think about what I'm about to tell you. You are reading something written by a person who you've never seen, who's name you don't know. But, you are reading this because we share a common love of something amazing and bigger than both of us, something that is powerful enough to cross the ocean, something that can forge a bond between two people on opposite sides of the globe, some thing that inspires thousands. That something is Team Starkid. Btws the person writing this is sitting on a bed, eating a granola bar, writing fan fiction, blogging, tumbling, tweeting, facebooking, and waiting for the end of the world. Correction... It is now officially doomsday!!!!
So it turns out there were no tweets discussed today. Oh well. I'm off to write some fanfiction, tumble, and make some collages. Good night and happy apocalypse!
I was on Tumblr just now.  I was searching the Jarren tag because I ship Darren and Julia and I found out that Jarren is also the ship name for Darren and Joe Jonas. Why would you ship that? I just don't understand. What are you thinking? I'm open to pretty much any ship but this baffles me. Can someone please explain this?
Also, if Jarren is the ship name for Darren/Julia and Darren/Joe Jonas... What is the ship name for Jaime/Darren and Joey/Darren? I know people ship those two, so are they also Jarren or what?
I did this a while back and decided to share my results.  Like every other Starkid I was extremely curious as to where Bonnie Gruesen had gone. Somehow... I didn't believe that she was eaten by a giant lizard. They only exist at Pigfarts to practice potions on, DUH! So I decided to actually find out. I found her on Twitter. I found her YouTube. I found all the hate pages on the web (There are a ton of these) After a couple hours of trolling the darkest deepest corners of the 3rd page of Google, I came to a conclusion. I believe she quit Starkid back in 2010. But, they were still friends. Then in the fall of 2011 I think they had some kind of fallen out as friends. But... This didn't fit all of my data as I had a tweet where she wished them good luck at Leakycon over the summer. So, I revised my statement. I think their friendship is on the mend (Whew!). She deleted her YouTube account (It had a bunch of Starkid stuff on it) and she unfollowed the Starkids on Twitter (They still follow her).  So, where is she now? She still does theatre for some religious thingy. She does voiceovers and some other stuff. She is engaged. I have come to the conclusion that I don't like her. She has some political views which differ from mine, which is FINE, I respect everyone's opinion and am eager to hear all sides of the story. But, the way she displays them and the stuff she posts on Twitter is not the right way to go about sharing your opinion.  So yeah, if anyone has more info leave it in a comment. Love you, bye.
So, I'm going to talk about A4B, last night's live stream, and the AVPSY script. I wish that I could go to A4B so badly!!! But, sadly I have school and my parents aren't going to fly me to Chicago and I don't have money for it... So, that leaves me hoping that it will be on Youtube. I'm not quite sure it will be though. Some parts will but not the whole performances. So now theres only one option, A4B has to tour!!!!! I seriously think they should do this. Most of their fans can't make it to Chicago during that time frame. If it was the summer it might be different (I might be going)... It should be A BAT. The Angry Birds Air Tour!!!! That way they can share their funniness with the world and not just the residents of Chicago. On to the live stream... It was basically hilarious!!! Lauren and stickers. Joe and the ice cream shop. Jaime's technical difficulties. And the new guy was there. Yes, there is a new guy. His name is Daniel Strauss. He want to University of Michigan with Jeff Blim and Chris Allen so he's not just some random guy.  He works with Second City who is helping with A4B. And I can tell he has absolutely no idea what kind of CRAZY ride he's in for with Starkid. He also shipped the Starkids, so he's one of us!!!! They all ignored the Breredith questions (There were a ton!). And at the end they played with the effects. Finally, AVPSY script. I have not finished it, unfortunately. I have read Act 1 though.  I loved how they transferred from Bonnie to Meredith. And Joey killed it with Sidekick!!!! Amazingness!!!!! I was extremely disappointed that Darren wasn't on the soundtrack but I understand that its part of his success. Anyway, have a nice day. I love you al

So, I wanted to address the whole Breredith thing. As many of you may know, Joe Walker confirmed that Brian Holden and  Meredith Stepien are dating at JMOMS. This of course made the fandom go completely insane and turn on each other. We're just a mess (Thanks Joe). I'm a huge Breredith shipper, so when I found out I screamed and died and was just like "Oh my Rowling!" To me the AVPSY script paled in comparison to what Joe said. The Starkids didn't seem to care though.  I think that they genuinely thought that fans already knew about it or are trying to make it seem like "no biggie" and see if it blows over.  None of them tweeted anything related to what Joe said.  As for Joe, I don't think he would have said something if he didn't know it was OK.  The way he handled the question was good, he was just like "They're adults, they date." Then he briefly summarized them as a couple (they're "boring" and sound really cute). I wish that Meredith and Brian had addressed it but, I'm not going to complain about the info we got.  And the poor girl who asked the question is getting a lot of hate because some people think the question was inappropriate. I mean come on! If you were sitting in front of someone who probably had insider knowledge into your ship wouldn't you ask them? Another thing, don't annoy them on the internet. We don't want Joe to regret telling us. They're real people in a real relationship, leave them to be in love in peace. Don't tweet at them (this took a ton of self-control) or anything like that.  We don't want them to break-up from fan pressure. Lets not be THAT fandom. We're a community of overall nice loving people. If you don't ship them, thats fine, you can continue shipping your ship. And Breredith shippers, don't be mean to or make fun of the Bropez shippers, let them ship who they want to ship. Thanks for reading. (Sorry for the Moses/Walker mix-up... I don't know what was going through my head)